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Serving Humans Since 2008

I'm Kate, the founder and director of Industry Health Solutions.   It's been a fantastic learning experience since I graduated as an Occupational Therapist 19 years ago to running a private practice in the NT.

I work with clients with chronic pain, complex physical and psychological conditions.  

It was 17 years ago when I arrived in Darwin- I still remember walking out of the airport at 9pm during dry season and thinking “wow– this is hot”…. and I was from North Queensland!   Like a lot of Darwinite’s, I came for a year and never left.  

Industry Health Solutions was born 14 years ago.  From a business that started at my kitchen table we steadily grew to a multidisciplinary organisation that employs occupational therapists, psychologists, exercise physiologists, registered nurses and counsellors.  At IHS we believe that NONE OF US ARE AS GOOD AS ALL OF US and our interdisciplinary approach is our magic sauce.  

Our organisational values are openness, collaboration and service with sincerity and integrity.  We care- absolutely.  I asked my team what was important for people to know about us.  Their answer was 1. We help humans 2. We don’t tell anyone (your information is confidential -between you and your clinician).

Regardless of your profession or title, no one escapes the highway of human experience, there is no off ramp (sorry!).  Seeking support can feel really stigmatised- even for health professionals. 

Life might look pretty good from the outside.  People think you have it all together and in many ways you DO! But sometimes it feels like wearing a mask or playing a role.  Something feels like its missing or not quite right. If you’re ready to feel batter, take the next step.

​Perhaps you're feeling burnt out, down or anxious - maybe you're unsure about the future of a relationship, don't feel good enough or just feel that you aren't living the life you were meant to lead.

Whatever your difficult thoughts and feelings, we are here to offer support that makes a difference. We recognise that it can be really difficult to seek help.  We aim to reduce any stigma or "clinicky" vibes. Our office is relaxed, warm and welcoming (think dogs, plants, good coffee, soothing tea, caring receptionists).  We also offer telehealth sessions.

We expect you are pretty resourceful already.  Drawing on your personal strengths, we will help equip you with insights and tools to reduce stress,
enhance your wellbeing and create sustained improvements in your health and relationships. 

We are SUPER excited to deliver webinars in partnership with NT Department of Health on a range of topics related to wellbeing over the next 12 months and hope you'll join us!

Can't wait until then? Click below to book a FREE individual session with one of our team or call 1800 432 330.

Free call 1800 432 303

©2023 by Industry Health Solutions.

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